Manage the approval stages of your budget forecasts in a single space

Save 10 hours a week on your reporting. Focus on tracking and achieving your goals.

Illustration of the budget validation circuit feature

Manage the approval stages of your budget forecasts in a single space

Save 10 hours a week on your reporting. Focus on tracking and achieving your goals.

Illustration of the budget validation circuit feature

Manage the approval stages of your budget forecasts in a single space

Save 10 hours a week on your reporting. Focus on tracking and achieving your goals.

Illustration of the budget validation circuit feature

Manage the approval stages of your budget forecasts in a single space

Save 10 hours a week on your reporting. Focus on tracking and achieving your goals.

Illustration of the budget validation circuit feature

Decide who can create and edit your budgets

Save and share default views that your collaborators can then edit.

Create and edit your budgets easily

Determine common or different rules based on users and establishments.

Illustration of the process of updating user access rights

Decide who can create and edit your budgets

Save and share default views that your collaborators can then edit.

Create and edit your budgets easily

Determine common or different rules based on users and establishments.

Illustration of the process of updating user access rights

Decide who can create and edit your budgets

Save and share default views that your collaborators can then edit.

Create and edit your budgets easily

Determine common or different rules based on users and establishments.

Illustration of the process of updating user access rights

Decide who can create and edit your budgets

Save and share default views that your collaborators can then edit.

Create and edit your budgets easily

Determine common or different rules based on users and establishments.

Illustration of the process of updating user access rights

Streamline communication between your teams

Receive smart notifications in real time

Stay informed when your teams validate your budgets through an efficient OCR system that eliminates errors related to manual invoice processing.

Avoid unnecessary delays and communication problems within your group now.

Illustration of a budget approval notification

Streamline communication between your teams

Receive smart notifications in real time

Stay informed when your teams validate your budgets through an efficient OCR system that eliminates errors related to manual invoice processing.

Avoid unnecessary delays and communication problems within your group now.

Illustration of a budget approval notification

Streamline communication between your teams

Receive smart notifications in real time

Stay informed when your teams validate your budgets through an efficient OCR system that eliminates errors related to manual invoice processing.

Avoid unnecessary delays and communication problems within your group now.

Illustration of a budget approval notification

Streamline communication between your teams

Receive smart notifications in real time

Stay informed when your teams validate your budgets through an efficient OCR system that eliminates errors related to manual invoice processing.

Avoid unnecessary delays and communication problems within your group now.

Illustration of a budget approval notification

Visualize the validation stages of your budgets

Distinguish your validation rules according to your institutions.

Choose your validation levels with one click on your own validation circuits.

Change access at any time in case of internal role changes.

Illustration of 2 budgets available on Qotid

Visualize the validation stages of your budgets

Distinguish your validation rules according to your institutions.

Choose your validation levels with one click on your own validation circuits.

Change access at any time in case of internal role changes.

Illustration of 2 budgets available on Qotid

Visualize the validation stages of your budgets

Distinguish your validation rules according to your institutions.

Choose your validation levels with one click on your own validation circuits.

Change access at any time in case of internal role changes.

Illustration of 2 budgets available on Qotid

Visualize the validation stages of your budgets

Distinguish your validation rules according to your institutions.

Choose your validation levels with one click on your own validation circuits.

Change access at any time in case of internal role changes.

Illustration of 2 budgets available on Qotid

Discover their experience!

Qotid is an exceptional tool for financial data analysis. It has allowed us to solve numerous information access issues for various team members in real time.


Chief Financial Officer

Discover their experience!

Qotid is an exceptional tool for financial data analysis. It has allowed us to solve numerous information access issues for various team members in real time.


Chief Financial Officer

Discover their experience!

Qotid is an exceptional tool for financial data analysis. It has allowed us to solve numerous information access issues for various team members in real time.


Chief Financial Officer

Une question ?

Trouvez rapidement les réponses à vos questions pour tirer le meilleur parti de Qotid et optimiser la gestion de votre entreprise.

Puis-je connecter plusieurs sociétés sur Qotid ?

Y a t-il un engagement ?

Est-il possible de vous connecter à mon logiciel comptable ?

Est-il possible de vous connecter à mon logiciel de facturation ?

Comment cela fonctionne si je n'ai pas besoin de tous les modules ?

Mon expert comptable aura t'il accès à la solution ?

Puis-je payer mes fournisseurs avec Qotid ?

Puis-je utiliser Qotid pour créer des reportings financiers sur mesure ?

Une question ?

Trouvez rapidement les réponses à vos questions pour tirer le meilleur parti de Qotid et optimiser la gestion de votre entreprise.

Puis-je connecter plusieurs sociétés sur Qotid ?

Y a t-il un engagement ?

Est-il possible de vous connecter à mon logiciel comptable ?

Est-il possible de vous connecter à mon logiciel de facturation ?

Comment cela fonctionne si je n'ai pas besoin de tous les modules ?

Mon expert comptable aura t'il accès à la solution ?

Puis-je payer mes fournisseurs avec Qotid ?

Puis-je utiliser Qotid pour créer des reportings financiers sur mesure ?

Une question ?

Trouvez rapidement les réponses à vos questions pour tirer le meilleur parti de Qotid et optimiser la gestion de votre entreprise.

Puis-je connecter plusieurs sociétés sur Qotid ?

Y a t-il un engagement ?

Est-il possible de vous connecter à mon logiciel comptable ?

Est-il possible de vous connecter à mon logiciel de facturation ?

Comment cela fonctionne si je n'ai pas besoin de tous les modules ?

Mon expert comptable aura t'il accès à la solution ?

Puis-je payer mes fournisseurs avec Qotid ?

Puis-je utiliser Qotid pour créer des reportings financiers sur mesure ?

Une question ?

Trouvez rapidement les réponses à vos questions pour tirer le meilleur parti de Qotid et optimiser la gestion de votre entreprise.

Puis-je connecter plusieurs sociétés sur Qotid ?

Y a t-il un engagement ?

Est-il possible de vous connecter à mon logiciel comptable ?

Est-il possible de vous connecter à mon logiciel de facturation ?

Comment cela fonctionne si je n'ai pas besoin de tous les modules ?

Mon expert comptable aura t'il accès à la solution ?

Puis-je payer mes fournisseurs avec Qotid ?

Puis-je utiliser Qotid pour créer des reportings financiers sur mesure ?

Transformez votre quotidien avec une gestion en toute simplicité

Transformez votre quotidien avec une gestion en toute simplicité

Transformez votre quotidien avec une gestion en toute simplicité