Make all your payments from Qotid in a few seconds

Dematerialize and centralize your invoices easily. Validate and pay your suppliers with one click.

Illustration of a payment validation for an invoice that has previously been validated

Make all your payments from Qotid in a few seconds

Dematerialize and centralize your invoices easily. Validate and pay your suppliers with one click.

Illustration of a payment validation for an invoice that has previously been validated

Make all your payments from Qotid in a few seconds

Dematerialize and centralize your invoices easily. Validate and pay your suppliers with one click.

Illustration of a payment validation for an invoice that has previously been validated

Make all your payments from Qotid in a few seconds

Dematerialize and centralize your invoices easily. Validate and pay your suppliers with one click.

Illustration of a payment validation for an invoice that has previously been validated

+30% of companies are behind on payments. You are not.

Make your payments 3 times faster

Easily track your invoices and payment status.

Optimize your accounting and cash flow

Illustration of a calendar to visualize the payment due date for bills

+30% of companies are behind on payments. You are not.

Make your payments 3 times faster

Easily track your invoices and payment status.

Optimize your accounting and cash flow

Illustration of a calendar to visualize the payment due date for bills

+30% of companies are behind on payments. You are not.

Make your payments 3 times faster

Easily track your invoices and payment status.

Optimize your accounting and cash flow

Illustration of a calendar to visualize the payment due date for bills

+30% of companies are behind on payments. You are not.

Make your payments 3 times faster

Easily track your invoices and payment status.

Optimize your accounting and cash flow

Illustration of a calendar to visualize the payment due date for bills

Compliant & secure payment methods

All transactions comply with DSP2 and are authorized by the ACPR!

Choose your preferred payment method (SEPA transfers, batch payments, immediate or deferred payments, SEPA file generation)

Manage your payments through a single tool

Illustration of the process of validating a transfer to a bank account

Compliant & secure payment methods

All transactions comply with DSP2 and are authorized by the ACPR!

Choose your preferred payment method (SEPA transfers, batch payments, immediate or deferred payments, SEPA file generation)

Manage your payments through a single tool

Illustration of the process of validating a transfer to a bank account

Compliant & secure payment methods

All transactions comply with DSP2 and are authorized by the ACPR!

Choose your preferred payment method (SEPA transfers, batch payments, immediate or deferred payments, SEPA file generation)

Manage your payments through a single tool

Illustration of the process of validating a transfer to a bank account

Compliant & secure payment methods

All transactions comply with DSP2 and are authorized by the ACPR!

Choose your preferred payment method (SEPA transfers, batch payments, immediate or deferred payments, SEPA file generation)

Manage your payments through a single tool

Illustration of the process of validating a transfer to a bank account

Establish validation rules specific to your business

Manage how your teams should track and validate the payments of your invoices.

Establish the payment validation circuit for your invoices.

View your transfer history in just a few clicks

Illustration of an invoice validation circuit with the evolution of the statuses of imported invoices

Establish validation rules specific to your business

Manage how your teams should track and validate the payments of your invoices.

Establish the payment validation circuit for your invoices.

View your transfer history in just a few clicks

Illustration of an invoice validation circuit with the evolution of the statuses of imported invoices

Establish validation rules specific to your business

Manage how your teams should track and validate the payments of your invoices.

Establish the payment validation circuit for your invoices.

View your transfer history in just a few clicks

Illustration of an invoice validation circuit with the evolution of the statuses of imported invoices

Establish validation rules specific to your business

Manage how your teams should track and validate the payments of your invoices.

Establish the payment validation circuit for your invoices.

View your transfer history in just a few clicks

Illustration of an invoice validation circuit with the evolution of the statuses of imported invoices

Discover their experience!

Qotid is an exceptional financial data analysis tool. It has allowed us to solve numerous information access issues for the different team members in real-time.


Chief Financial Officer

Discover their experience!

Qotid is an exceptional financial data analysis tool. It has allowed us to solve numerous information access issues for the different team members in real-time.


Chief Financial Officer

Discover their experience!

Qotid is an exceptional financial data analysis tool. It has allowed us to solve numerous information access issues for the different team members in real-time.


Chief Financial Officer

A question?

Quickly find the answers to your questions to make the most of Qotid and optimize the management of your business.

Can I connect multiple companies on Qotid?

Is there a commitment?

Is it possible for you to connect to my accounting software?

Is it possible for you to connect to my billing software?

How does this work if I don't need all the modules?

Will my accountant have access to the solution?

Can I pay my suppliers with Qotid?

Can I use Qotid to create custom financial reports?

A question?

Quickly find the answers to your questions to make the most of Qotid and optimize the management of your business.

Can I connect multiple companies on Qotid?

Is there a commitment?

Is it possible for you to connect to my accounting software?

Is it possible for you to connect to my billing software?

How does this work if I don't need all the modules?

Will my accountant have access to the solution?

Can I pay my suppliers with Qotid?

Can I use Qotid to create custom financial reports?

A question?

Quickly find the answers to your questions to make the most of Qotid and optimize the management of your business.

Can I connect multiple companies on Qotid?

Is there a commitment?

Is it possible for you to connect to my accounting software?

Is it possible for you to connect to my billing software?

How does this work if I don't need all the modules?

Will my accountant have access to the solution?

Can I pay my suppliers with Qotid?

Can I use Qotid to create custom financial reports?

Transform your daily life with complete simplicity management

Transform your daily life with complete simplicity management

Transform your daily life with complete simplicity management